
Leadership is Feminine

For most women, when we are invited to study leadership the teachers, scholars, authorities and models are primarily… men. We are indoctrinated from the time we are born that men are the leaders and that natural male characteristics are the strengths you must also possess to be a good leader. Powerful. Strong. Authoritative. Direct. Assertive. Decisive. These and so many more are attributes that are typically associated with the male model of a leader. And so, for the better part of the last one hundred years as women have made their way into the fold, in a variety of leadership roles, we have learned and studied to walk the way of a men to achieve success. Women dismiss their own knowing because we’ve been so indoctrinated in male leadership models. We dismiss what we know for what others tell us to be and how to be seen. There is another way to lead. To be in alignment. To not feel like an imposter. It’s time for the reimagining of leadership. That’s not to disparage any of the progress that has come before us. Progress is progress. For those of us who stand in the footsteps of the women who came before us we are here because of their courage, bravery and resilience. I wonder instead if women equally looked to the characteristics they learned from their mothers for leadership. I wonder if we were taught to lean on different qualities to drive success. I wonder what might happen then? The traditional qualities of mothering are communication, nurturing, listening, strength, support, grace, and yes… love. What if to be the best leader you can be as a woman, you integrated the best of both? This is how women will stand with integrity in their role as leaders. As women, we can be assertive, direct, powerful, and authoritative but we need not only rely on those attributes for success. After 25 years of watching and studying leaders, I can tell you that for sure many traditional male attributes are effective in the short run, but they typically only serve a few. Whereas, when leadership is feminine. When the leader possesses the strengths of femininity and grace the results are for all. This podcast is my like my gentle request and invitation to my fellow female leaders that we reclaim the world leadership as one that is a feminine definition. That we continue to work with all of our allies to build organizations and systems that include more support, collaboration, grace and communication. And that we do so not because we are uncomfortable with the more traditional male-dominating models, but because we truly do know that leadership is a feminine strength and attribute. And the world needs more of us leading. Now more than ever.
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Leadership is Feminine







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Now displaying: 2019
Dec 30, 2019

Kris talks with Heather Dominick, the founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® movement.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. The key characteristics of an HSE – Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur.
  2. The top three HSE shadows and top three HSE strengths.
  3. The three HSE Coping Mechanisms.
  4. How “shame” fits into the life of an HSE.
  5. Why the thought of hiring and managing people is overwhelming to HSEs.
  6. How to recognize when you’re in the coping cycle and how to shift from coping into creating.
  7. The importance of the “element of community.”
  8. The key practices Heather has in place, as a leader, that help her lead and also stay in integrity with who she is.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Dec 23, 2019

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2019, here’s some help for creating a 2020 plan. Let’s acknowledge where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. First download the free workbook here!
  2. Some reflective exercises to take a look at this past year.
  3. How to take a dive into your current reality.
  4. What “My 25” is.
  5. About “goal squares” and what they are.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Dec 16, 2019

Reaching the place of entrepreneurial wisdom is an ambitious and worthy goal. Wisdom never leaves you. It’s yours. And it’s grounded in facts, real tools, and proven strategies that you get to leverage over and over again.

Dec 9, 2019

As an entrepreneur, learning how to manage and lead a team involves a transition from being totally self-reliant to learning how to delegate your abilities and results to other people. FYI - it’s totally normal to struggle with that.

Dec 2, 2019

Are your employees’ mistakes and behaviors really affecting your business or are they just annoyances that are driving you crazy? Let’s take a look at the difference and a few suggestions for how to address each one.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Take a step back and look at the mistakes employees are making. Is this a real business issue or just annoying?
  2. My advice – say to the employee, “This wasn’t done right. Here’s what my expectation was and still is. Do it again.
  3. The differences between things that people do or don’t do and behaviors that people do that annoy you.
  4. When you address these things in this manner, you are building your business brain.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Nov 25, 2019

Kris talks with Kelly Roach, THE BUSINESS CATALYST, who helps elite business owners become game changers in their field and achieve million-dollar+ breakthroughs in their business.

What you'll find in this episode:

1) The biggest differences between leading in a company versus leading your own company.
2) Kelly’s thoughts on finding the ideal employee for a female entrepreneur or founder.
3) What “Look in the Mirror Leadership” is.
4) What is a “franken-business.”
5) The danger of personalizing your business.
6) Things we need to think about when growing the business to be bigger than us.
7) What the “Four-Times Model for Profitability” is.
8) The biggest challenge Kelly experienced when scaling her business and adding employees.
9) The main characteristic Kelly brings to leadership that has helped her business grow.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Nov 18, 2019

Are you comparing other people’s perceived success to your own and feeling terrible about yourself? That shame can trigger paralysis in your business - which stimulates further shame. Let’s talk about your own compass and how to honor that instead.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Knowing the “steps” to take is not the only part of success. The other part in achievement of outcomes is your brain and mindset.
  2. When learning from top performers: “Don’t just look at what they do. That’s just their action. Ask them why they do it.”
  3. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
  4. Are you building what you want, or have you spent so much time focusing on what everyone else has that you don’t even know what that is anymore?
  5. My favorite question I ask people at my Hawaiian retreat - “What do you really, really, really want? YOU.”
  6. Stop comparing and start really savoring and enjoying your own journey.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Nov 11, 2019

Two of the most common things I hear clients say in moments of total frustration are “Who does that?” & “You would think.” As your coach, I’m not going to indulge your confusion and perplexity, because it’s not serving you. Here’s what let’s do instead.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. “Who does that?” It doesn’t matter. The question to ask is, “What are you going to do about it?”
  2. “You would think…” No need losing valuable time staying perplexed and confused about what someone did. Your job is to evaluate whether or not you've been clear about the expectation.
  3. “Being in someone else’s family is like being in a foreign country.” You have people who were raised in totally different environments than yours.
  4. Instead of saying – you would think – say, I think…” Instead of “who does that” – say “I want this done.”

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Nov 4, 2019

Are you feeling overwhelmed with decision fatigue and emotionally exhausted? Either you haven’t built a business brain, or you have, but you don’t consult with her. Here’s a way to build that relationship and to deal with those unexpected situations.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. The role that vision, values and expectations play in building a business brain.
  2. Brooke Castillo's Thought Model as a tool. It’s “the secret of the Universe."
  3. Why having a business brain is so important.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Oct 28, 2019

Do you have an actual relationship with money, or are you just having a one-night stand? Let’s talk about money and how your thoughts about it are affecting your business.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. The five key relationships you have in your business – time, money, yourself, your team, your business. Today we talk about money.
  2. The common relationships I watch my clients have with money.
  3. Two of my favorite statements about money – one from Christine Kane and one from Brook Castillo.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Oct 21, 2019

Being able to identify the types of people to hire is key to your success. Here’s how to create a hiring manifesto that describes the types of people who can hang, and thrive, with you.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Examples of the types of people who can, and cannot, hang and thrive with me.
  2. How to make a list of people on your team who you love to work with and those you struggle with.
  3. It’s my goal to give you the things you need to improve – like being able to hire people, manage people, hold people accountable, to fire people, and to manage your time.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Oct 14, 2019

When you have someone on the team who isn’t performing, there’s a gap between the outcome you expect and the results you’re getting. Here’s the formula for fixing that problem.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Reason 1 that performance problems occur – The expectation was not clear.
  2. Reason 2 that performance problems occur – You’re not holding them accountable to your crystal-clear expectations.
  3. Let’s not run our business by hoping people will just miraculously change. It doesn’t help you get exceptional results.
  4. I know that you plan to give exceptional results to your clients, which is why you went into business in the first place. Hold that same level of expectation for others.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Oct 7, 2019

If you’re a CEO, you’ve got to get good at being able to fire someone. You don’t have to love it. It’s a superpower, and once you have it, you won’t feel bound by someone’s poor performance again.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. There should always be an evaluative measure, that’s outside your opinion of someone, that helps you know if this person is contributing so that the business is benefiting.
  2. Once you get good at this, you’re never intimidated by what people do or don’t do in your business. You’re never held hostage.
  3. Your business is only as good as your poorest performer.
  4. Once your values are dialed, this becomes an objective part of what you do. Values are not subjective.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Sep 30, 2019

Being able to give feedback for a female entrepreneur is not negotiable. You HAVE to get good at this. Here is what your responsibility is and a few tools to help you improve at this critical skill.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Your only responsibility in regard to feedback is just to give it.
  2. Don’t give it when you’re angry or don’t have all the information yet, and don’t base it on other people’s opinions.
  3. Step one – be direct and teacher-like.
  4. Step two - engage them and get them to talk. Determine if it’s a mindset issue or a skill set issue.
  5. Advice on what to do with new employees.
  6. Third step – now you must transition into performance conversations (we'll talk about this in another episode).
  7. Another reason why getting good at feedback is super powerful for a female entrepreneur.
  8. The goal of feedback is to give someone perspective that will help them change their performance so they get a different and better result.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Sep 23, 2019

Kris talks with Kim Hall, founder of Physio2U, the largest in-home physical therapy company in Western Canada. As a trained physical therapist, Kim has worked hard to develop her business acumen and her leadership and entrepreneur skills.

What you'll find in this episode:

1) What Kim’s business growth has required she learn about herself.

2) Advice for those who feel they don’t have time to build out the various systems in their business that allow them to move into an overseeing role.

3) “You have to live it to give it.” – Kris

4) The unexpected thing that Kim learned.

5) Why Kim thinks it’s challenging to manage adults/professionals.

6) “Until you clear your mind and emotions of this extra stuff that we all bring, you won’t be able to be an effective manager.” – Kim 

7) “I’ve learned that other people don’t work as hard as the founder does.” – Kim 

8) “You have the choice, and you can create the life you want.” – Kim

9) “A lot of people quit because of the people part.” – Kris 

10) “Continue to dream big and imagine the life you want to create for yourself. Then make sure you create step by step goals in order to get you there.” - Kim

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Visit: for show notes and available downloads
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Sep 16, 2019

Leaders today are so fearful of confrontation and giving feedback that they’re not holding employees accountable. Here’s the big mistake we all make, and how to keep it from being a drag on your business.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Accountability is your ability to account for someone else’s ability.
  2. If we, collectively, as business leaders, decided to consistently account for our employees’ ability, we would change the world.
  3. People who don’t care or want to be held accountable don’t hate you. They don’t like the transparency of witnessing their own inadequacy.
  4. Age is not related to accountability. It’s experience, and it’s the way people think.
  5. The first mistake we all make is hiring someone and assuming they’ll hold themselves accountable.
  6. Thinking about hiring someone to solve a problem is the seed of accountability. Once you know what the solution looks like, now you know the role that position must fill.
  7. Accountability is not a corporate thing – it’s a relationship thing.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Sep 9, 2019

Gossip is “talking to anyone about anything who doesn’t have any control to solve it.” It’s destructive to your business, and here are the foundational tools you need to fix it.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Why you have to know what your values are in your business. Listen to the previous podcast called “Entrepreneurial Values” here.
  2. The importance of setting expectations based on your values.
  3. How a company manifesto and a team book (not a policy book) can help.
  4. If you have all of that in place, and you still have an issue – you have an accountability gap.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Sep 2, 2019

If you feel exhausted and impatient, it could be burnout. But your burnout is not because of your business. Burnout comes from your brain. Here are 5 things that are likely causing your burnout.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Burnout comes from your brain, and your body follows your brain. What are you indulging in your mind?
  2. Another cause of burnout is lack of decisions. Kris’ coach used to say, “Do it. Dump it. Delegate it.” Right now.
  3. Burnout comes from overworking in unproductive effort.
  4. Your lack of boundaries is also another cause of burnout. You’re too available.
  5. Another, you’re buffering. Entrepreneurs use their businesses to avoid feeling things.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Aug 26, 2019

Kris talks with Eleanor Beaton, founder of Fierce Feminine Leadership, an organization that helps ambitious women develop the confidence, presence, political savvy and influence they need to smash the glass ceiling.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. One of the most important factors for a leader is embarrassability.
  2. What Eleanor thinks makes a great team. “For me, the thing that threads a team together is this sense of trust in one another.” – Eleanor
  3. A great team is a group of men and women who also challenge our sense of who we are and cause that to expand. I have found as I brought people into my team, that they have their own zones of genius and that allows me to continue to withdraw from certain areas and focus on a smaller area that has broader impact. – Eleanor
  4. Eleanor’s vision.
  5. “I love the men! I coach men! I love the men! But women lead differently.” – Kris Plachy
  6. “Delegation does give you time… eventually.” – Kris Plachy
  7. “As soon as you have the right team, everything is exponentially better.” – Kris Plachy
  8. “To do consistent effort over time, we have to be able to rest and catch our breath through the hard things.” – Eleanor
  9. “Don’t worry if your body shakes, it’s just weakness leaving your body.” - Kris’ yoga instructor

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
@KrisPlachy on Twitter
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Aug 19, 2019

We recently looked at when to fire a team member. This episode is about when NOT to fire a team member. It’s a step by step thought process and it’s NEVER easy.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. First, you have to do the audit
  2. Second – question your reason. Are you in a position of emotional reaction to what someone is doing?
  3. Third – ask your business. Would you apply this decision to fire this person to anyone else on your team or is it just this person? Would you be consistent.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Aug 12, 2019

Finish this sentence – “I will finally feel relief when …” What is that “thing” that, when finally achieved, will cause the overwhelm and stress to end for you? Good news! Here’s how to feel the joy sooner rather than later.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Relief doesn’t come from the “thing,” it comes from the way that you think.
  2. If you’re telling yourself that there is relief out there “when,” then you’re setting up a tension between where you are today and where you think the relief exists. That just sets you up to be uncomfortable chronically.
  3. Of the five relationships you must develop as an entrepreneur, the relationship with your brain is the most powerful and least utilized performance tool.
  4. Your exercise is to answer the question – what are you telling yourself right now is your relief point?

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
@KrisPlachy on Twitter
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Aug 5, 2019

Here are the basics you have to have in place in order to know when to fire someone and when NOT to fire someone.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. #1 – Set clear expectations.
  2. #2 – Review their work.
  3. #3 – Give them feedback.
  4. The way you know it’s time to fire is you’ve set the expectations, you’ve reviewed their work and given them the feedback and they’re just not meeting the objectives of the role. 
  5. The way you know it’s not time to fire is when you’re bent out of shape and in total judgement.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
@KrisPlachy on Twitter
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Jul 29, 2019

Are you having unsupervised thinking? You’re not alone. Many of those thoughts are probably negative in some way. Here’s a list of thoughts you can think instead.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Your business is hard because YOU THINK IT IS!
  2. Things to think instead:
    • I’m getting better at it every day.
    • Look at what I’ve built.
    • I’m in the process of figuring it out.  A la Danielle LaPorte
    • Of course it happened that way.
    • I’m totally capable.
    • I can and will ask for help.
    • I’m not alone.
    • I’m really good at failing so I can succeed.
  3. The worthiness of you is always innate. It doesn’t go away. You’ve always had it and you can never lose it.
  4. Comparing thoughts is detrimental. Other people’s wins don’t compromise yours.
  5. What would your future self tell you to do and what to think about this?
  6. Write down all the things you’re thinking that aren’t helping.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
@KrisPlachy on Twitter
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Jul 22, 2019

Typically, it’s a bad idea to make assumptions. But in this one case, I want you to always assume this one thing! It will be better for you, your business and your employees.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. Always make this assumption – when someone on your team doesn’t do what you want, I want you to assume it’s your responsibility.
  2. When we see someone not do something the way we thought they should do it, it’s human nature to blame them for it.
  3. Blame creates lag.
  4. You need to make sure you:
    • Have a clear vision for the business
    • Have clear values
    • Have clear expectations for every team member. Common sense is not common.
    • Are delegating and not abdicating
    • Are following up with people and looking at their results
    • Are giving feedback

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
@KrisPlachy on Twitter
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

Jul 15, 2019

If you are a female entrepreneur, and you’re either in, or considering getting into, a partnership or working relationship with your spouse, there are some absolute fundamentals we need to address.

What you'll find in this episode:

1) A marriage operates very differently than a business. 

2) You need to have clearly defined roles in the business for each of you.

3) You need to have a clear definition of who does what and who owns what and what decisions each of you make.

4) You have to decide how you will communicate and have a scheduled, dedicated assigned time and a clear agenda; no after-hours discussions.

5) You have to talk about how you’re going to disagree; decide what the process will be.

6) You have to have clear values, a clear vision and a clear manifesto.

7) You have to have a conversation about how you want to be as leaders and managers of this business.

© 2019 Kris Plachy

Kris on Facebook
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Produced by Podcast Prowess

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