
Leadership is Feminine

For most women, when we are invited to study leadership the teachers, scholars, authorities and models are primarily… men. We are indoctrinated from the time we are born that men are the leaders and that natural male characteristics are the strengths you must also possess to be a good leader. Powerful. Strong. Authoritative. Direct. Assertive. Decisive. These and so many more are attributes that are typically associated with the male model of a leader. And so, for the better part of the last one hundred years as women have made their way into the fold, in a variety of leadership roles, we have learned and studied to walk the way of a men to achieve success. Women dismiss their own knowing because we’ve been so indoctrinated in male leadership models. We dismiss what we know for what others tell us to be and how to be seen. There is another way to lead. To be in alignment. To not feel like an imposter. It’s time for the reimagining of leadership. That’s not to disparage any of the progress that has come before us. Progress is progress. For those of us who stand in the footsteps of the women who came before us we are here because of their courage, bravery and resilience. I wonder instead if women equally looked to the characteristics they learned from their mothers for leadership. I wonder if we were taught to lean on different qualities to drive success. I wonder what might happen then? The traditional qualities of mothering are communication, nurturing, listening, strength, support, grace, and yes… love. What if to be the best leader you can be as a woman, you integrated the best of both? This is how women will stand with integrity in their role as leaders. As women, we can be assertive, direct, powerful, and authoritative but we need not only rely on those attributes for success. After 25 years of watching and studying leaders, I can tell you that for sure many traditional male attributes are effective in the short run, but they typically only serve a few. Whereas, when leadership is feminine. When the leader possesses the strengths of femininity and grace the results are for all. This podcast is my like my gentle request and invitation to my fellow female leaders that we reclaim the world leadership as one that is a feminine definition. That we continue to work with all of our allies to build organizations and systems that include more support, collaboration, grace and communication. And that we do so not because we are uncomfortable with the more traditional male-dominating models, but because we truly do know that leadership is a feminine strength and attribute. And the world needs more of us leading. Now more than ever.
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Leadership is Feminine







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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 27, 2021

Should you pay a year end bonus and give your employees extra? We expect certain results from the
people we hire, and we pay them a salary for those results. Not for their time. Not for their experience.
We can give them a bonus for just the simple joy of giving a gift or we can give them a bonus based on
their individual results/ extra work. Making payment commitments to employees is a serious decision to
make and should be greatly considered. A gift can turn into an expectation for your employees and a
headache for you. No matter how you decide to pay your people it is an important thing to consider.

What You'll Find in This Episode:

1. Having a consistent payment philosophy is key.
2. Bonuses are extra pay for extra results (or they’re gifts).
3. Paying a bonus out over a year is a good way to ensure that the bonus won’t be wasted.

Dec 20, 2021

You, as an entrepreneur, have to be an optimist, right? You take risks and believe that something will work out and you cultivate that vision to get your team through the frustration and on to the next thing. Being a leader (as you are), you set the tone for your team. So, why not set an optimistic one? 

What you’ll find in this Episode: 

  1. There is a lot we need to appreciate and not take for granted. 
  2. Entrepreneurs are resilient and optimistic. 
  3. Optimistic leaders hire optimistic employees. 
  4. Why believe in something awful when you can believe in something cool? 
Dec 13, 2021

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s possible for ourselves, right? I think having visual representations of
things that evoke emotions in us can make our brains believe something exists in the world before it
actually does exist. That’s why having a vision board is so important. Not just for your business, but also
for you! Find some pictures in a magazine and rip ‘em out and place them where you can see them
every day! Act as if that’s what’s gonna be in your life one day and just dream, dream, dream! And one
day that dreaming will evoke reality!

What You’ll Find in this Episode:

1. You can evoke things in your life by visualizing them.
2. Being older doesn’t mean you can’t dream.

Dec 6, 2021

Part of our experience as a human is to feel discomfort. We struggle and often ask ourselves, “Why me? Why is this happening? What am I doing?” But none of these unexpected moments are stop signs. They are opportunities to make empowering choices and find what’s next for you. 

What you’ll find in this episode: 

  1. The magic of adversity can show you what you’re capable of. 
  2. Sit quietly with yourself, a trusted advisor, or someone who loves you and find the part of you that you’re having a hard time seeing right now. 
  3. Now it’s your chance to do that thing you’ve always wanted to do. 
Nov 29, 2021
Welcome to Season TWO of the Leadership is Feminine podcast: CEO Magic. 
Let me ask you something, Gorgeous: What makes some leaders more successful than others? Skills and tactics can only get someone so far and attributing it to “just luck” dismisses your own power and inner-knowing.
What I have observed in my life and career as a leadership coach, is that influential women leaders have mastered certain currencies that others have not. The currency of discomfort. Belief. Self-understanding. In other words… CEO Magic. There’s always magic there for you to explore, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do this season. Let’s dive in, shall we?
What you'll find in this episode:
  1. An introduction to Season Two of the Leadership is Feminine podcast.
  2. The women who have made a significant impact on me and my life.
  3. Why I think it’s harmful to attribute someone’s success to “just luck.”
  4. The currencies that I believe magicians have mastered. (And how to tap into them yourself!)
Nov 22, 2021
I have some questions for you, Gorgeous. What if your growth, both personal and professional, is not dependent on your hustle? What if it's dependent on your rest?
As a woman entrepreneur, the best thing that you can do for yourself and others is to RELAX. As you nurture and seek your own joy, fulfillment, and fun, it WILL spill into your business. In this episode, the season one finale of Leadership is Feminine, I’m teaching you how to re-invent your relationship with rest.
What you'll find in this episode:
  1. As a woman entrepreneur, it’s important for you to CHOOSE rest. Consciously choose to believe that rest is equally (if not more) valuable to the performance, success, joy of your life and business.
  2. It’s not sustainable for your business to be dependent on your hustle.
  3. You have to be, at some point, willing to relax. And willing to unwind yourself from everything. Give yourself permission.
Nov 15, 2021

I hear you, love. You're drowning in content. In quote tiles, free downloadables, and 'how-to' guides. You don't need more voices; you need an ear. But not your girlfriend's or your partner's-they can't give you answers or solutions, they can only offer you their opinions, however well-intentioned.

Take a look at your business and at yourself as the leader of your business. Where are your pockets of opportunity? Have discernment, where do you truly need development and advisement? Be intentional about which problems you want to solve in your business and then invest in them.

In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, I'm teaching you how to reinvent your relationship with time so you can prevent and reduce overwhelm as a woman entrepreneur.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. A story about a client who realized the value of hiring talent for her business, rather than wasting time, money, and energy on more courses and masterminds for herself. Along with my own list of trusted coaches and advisors.
  2. The misconception that my premiere leadership coaching series, How to CEO, is just another online course, jam-packed with more content for you to consume, and not what it truly is: solving the problems that you're facing in your business faster by working with me and my team-like you have expert leadership coaches on retainer.
  3. You don't have to be 'taught' everything. You don't have to consume so much content, You just have to have someone who can listen to you and show you your own wisdom.
Nov 8, 2021

We've all had our fair share of challenges in 2021, haven't we? But, as women leaders, one of the biggest challenges we constantly face is believing in ourselves, in a world that constantly tells us that we're too emotional, too touchy, that we don't have a mind for business. 

But guess what, Gorgeous? I think your emotions are your SUPERPOWER. Let me tell you why.

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. As women leaders, we're insidiously taught that we're too emotional. And isolation among women leaders only compounds the problem.
  2. You feel emotions, but you aren't them.
  3. You are allowed to feel an emotion, or 12, or 67, during your day.
  4. Your emotions are your most powerful indicators of what you're telling yourself throughout the day.
Nov 1, 2021
What does it take to get a population of wounded warriors to rejoin the workforce? Beyond offering more benefits and higher pay, this opportunity requires us to re-examine the work environment that we're inviting them back into.
It’s going to be up to women to change and heal the world. And as a women entrepreneur, you know that change is what we're best at. We've already built businesses out of an archaic, patriarchal model. What if this is the time for us to revolutionize the world of work?

What you'll find in this episode:

  1. During the height of quarantine, many people were functioning but not really living. What we're experiencing now is an increase of people leaving the workforce, or not returning to it, because they have a backlog of living they need to do.
  2. Workers don’t want to go back to the world that they were in before, but a lot of employers have not made any changes to how their businesses operate.
  3. Great people always want to work for great leaders and always want to work for great companies.
  4. We’re relaunching and re-inventing. And as women, we can re-create environments for work in ways that we’ve never had before and in ways that can potentially heal a wounded world. Empower yourself by asking the question: what can you create that doesn’t exist?

Register for the How to CEO program by visiting 

© 2021 Kris Plachy
Oct 25, 2021

I’m using a really hot topic in today’s environment (getting vaccinated) to discuss values. Your values are a barometer. They are a compass, and they are driving your actions and your behaviors, whether you're paying attention or not. Let’s pay attention and talk about it!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. Women are incredible collaborators, listeners, and communicators.
  2. Some people are wanting to make this to-vaccinate or not-to-vaccinate thing a value-based issue.
  3. It has nothing to do with values; here’s why.
  4. We are more aligned in values than we are giving ourselves credit for, and we're just choosing different actions and behaviors to express them.
  5. Kris’s Hawaiian hotel incident as an example of differing values.
  6. Stop questioning people's values and start holding people accountable to clearly defined behaviors.
  7. You get to have values that you honor, and you get to have expectations of behavior for people you invite into your world.

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Oct 18, 2021

Do you have an opportunity to reinvent your life or your business or both? Today, I not only want to talk with you about what you want to reinvent in your life, but I also want to help you unearth things that you may not even know are re-inventable. Let’s go!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. Reinventing or burning it to the ground?
  2. Feminine leadership and the cycle of life.
  3. Tethering to the future instead of the past.
  4. Making a list – keep with love and keep out of fear.
  5. Kris’s reinventions.

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Oct 11, 2021

Nearly every client I have is telling me she can’t find anyone to hire right now. Whether you’re trying to hire frontline service level personnel or more mid-level professional positions, there are specific challenges. I have solutions!

You have to get into the COVID candidate brain. You've got to understand who you are attracting so that you can align. We're going to talk about some truths that will change how you hire for the better, and, I think, more simply. Join me!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. I'm going to host a masterclass on Tuesday, October 26th on what to do when you can't hire. Go to
  2. There needs to be a change in the candidate attraction and hiring process in order for you to align with where we are today.
  3. “Your willingness to solve a problem has everything to do with your willingness to make a decision.”
  4. Homework - what is it that you haven't fully committed to? What is the decision (that you haven’t made yet) that your intuition tells you is the solution?

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Oct 4, 2021

Visionary women experience similar challenges. A visionary woman isn't just a visionary in her business, she's a visionary in her life. She often feels unseen, unheard, isolated and empty because visionaries are the people that others go to for help, support, and love.

So where does the visionary woman go to work out her worry? If you're a woman with a big dream on her heart and you know that there's so much more you want to do, but you feel frustrated and don't know how to manifest it all – you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about it.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. 1. What is a visionary woman?
  2. The day to day fussy stuff that keeps us small.
  3. Peter Senge – do we change our reality to achieve the vision, or do we lower that vision to accommodate a comfortable reality?
  4. Kris’s latest Hawaii retreat attendees.
  5. Stop wasting time around whether or not you should do it. Instead, focus on actually doing it!

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Sep 27, 2021

Many of the women that I work with struggle when it comes to holding team members accountable. But the truth is that accountability is one of the greatest forms of self-care that you can create for yourself as a business owner—even when it’s difficult. When you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re not taking care of your business. Period.

In this week’s episode of the Leadership is Feminine podcast, we’re digging deep into the archives of my old podcast, How to Lead for Female Entrepreneurs, to bring you a relevant and timely episode that we thought worthy of another listen, given our theme of Leadership as Self-Care.

Let’s re-imagine what it means to hold others accountable, thus treating ourselves to more of the self-care that we deserve as women, business owners, and human beings.


  • What ‘accountability’ really is and when it can actually be a positive thing.
  • How a lack of accountability can lead to mental and physical exhaustion.
  • A client story that demonstrates the relationship between accountability and self-care.
  • The importance of creating clear expectations for your employees and showing them how to win.


  • The How to CEO program – 12 weeks of advising and coaching, all of the robust blueprint content, PLUS we complement everything with other special guest experts. So, if you are ready to join us, please go to You can learn all about it, and see all the things you need to see.
  • Come connect with me on Instagram here or on Facebook here.
  • Let me know what questions you have or what you think at
  • I’d be honored if you find this podcast of value if you would write a review. Then DM me on Instagram or Facebook or email me at and let me know it was you. Then we’ll send you the list of my favorite books!
Sep 20, 2021

Throughout my time as a coach, I’ve noticed a pattern of powerlessness when it comes to women. This is not only in their relationships with men, but also within themselves, and this general lack of power often leads to victimhood.

Another observation is that being an entrepreneur often pushes women to completely unexpected leadership growth which can cause challenges in their partnerships. Because in order to be the women needed to run their businesses, they have to stand differently in their relationships with their partners.

Let’s look at what it means to take back your power – to be the truest version of yourself, and how that can help you as both a person and a woman running a business.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. Different behaviors that can result from being a victim.
  2. About being a victim of your employees’ behavior.
  3. Fear around being powerful - around not being the victim, but to being the director of your life and your business.
  4. The story of the monkeys that were separated on an island by a huge wall.
  5. Affecting change for women around the world who are living in environments with little opportunity.

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Sep 13, 2021

In today’s interview, Kris talks with Tanya Dalton, a nationally recognized productivity expert, best-selling author and speaker. Tanya serves as a growth strategist for female leaders in the corporate and entrepreneurial sectors. Her 12 month mentorship program, The Intentional CEO helps female entrepreneurs grow thriving businesses and thriving personal lives.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. The three things Tanya is passionate about.
  2. More about Tanya’s new book “On Purpose: The Busy Woman's Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success.”
  3. Why we undervalue happiness.
  4. How women use the excuse of their kids to avoid following their dreams.
  5. Why choosing to choose is incredibly important.
  6. Girls are called “bossy” and boys are called “over-confident.”
  7. What choices you need to make on purpose, according to Tanya.
  8. How feeling like the world’s worst mom caused Tanya to change her work schedule.
  9. More about the Extraordinary Life Blueprint – a paint by numbers system to set up your year for success.
  10. Pre-order “On Purpose” and get the Extraordinary Life Blueprint course for free!

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Learn more about the How to CEO program here:

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Sep 6, 2021

Learning how to lead, learning the systems, the practices, the techniques of leadership is one of the highest forms of self-care for a female entrepreneur. Let’s talk about responsibility, boundaries, expectations and how your growth and self-care ultimately lead to the growth, development and success of others.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. It’s intuitive and instinctual for women to care for, nurture and support people.
  2. Taking on more responsibility is fun!
  3. Having boundaries is selfish, unkind, irresponsible, not thoughtful, mean even.
  4. Female entrepreneurs and boundaries with their team.
  5. You can build leadership practices that are informed by your own feminine integrity.
  6. Keeping boundaries, even when it’s hard.
  7. Stop accepting other people's expectations as your responsibilities.
  8. How your self-care is the growth and development and success of others.

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Learn more about the How to CEO program here:.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Aug 30, 2021

Welcome to my new podcast – Leadership is Feminine! I’m so happy you’re here. It’s my intention for this podcast to be a space for us to talk about the unique challenges that women leaders face. Let’s step into our strengths with confidence and quit trying to fit into a leadership model that is thousands of years old. Are you ready? Let’s go!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. I love men. This is podcast is not a rant about men.
  2. I see women trying to fit into a leadership model that is thousands of years old that requires tactics and approaches that don't suit them.
  3. More about this leadership crisis.
  4. The difference between masculine and feminine leadership skills.
  5. Why the “soft skills” are harder to learn than the “hard skills.”
  6. One of the main misconceptions about feminine leadership.
  7. This first season we're focusing on reimagining and reinvention. There will be 13 episodes.
  8. Kris’s goal is…

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Aug 23, 2021

Are you experiencing the hiring and talent crisis right now? Instead of getting upset about the situation, let’s instead do some quick analysis of what matters to you so you can go about your business. We’ll talk about keeping an open mind in order to be creative, resourceful, resilient, and determined.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. We are in a talent crisis.
  2. Do a quick analysis of what matters to you - what am I missing? What am I willing to change? What am I willing to consider? What am I willing to pay?
  3. Accept that the way you attracted and hired people in the past probably needs to change.
  4. You hire people to deliver a result. What is the value of that result to you and to your company?
  5. Are the results that you have committed to in your business realistic in this current market?
  6. Do you need to change where you’re going in order to find people?

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Aug 16, 2021

Did you know that you can always reinvent your business? I hesitate to say RE-invent only because it almost says that we're doing something again. But it’s actually less about RE-inventing, and more about IN-venting. We have all been very insidiously infused with what we think the world, life, leadership and business should look like. The world is ready for all sorts of new ideas about what it means to lead, run a company, create a company, and manage people, and we all need to be at the forefront of that. Let’s start today!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. The plans to rebrand and change the name of this podcast.
  2. Kris’s challenge choosing between a corporate job and starting a coaching business.
  3. The question she asked herself that changed everything.
  4. The episode titled Leadership is Feminine
  5. Why you can always reinvent.
  6. What would you like to invent or reinvent?

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© 2021 Kris Plachy

Aug 9, 2021

Leaders go through several phases of leadership. What phase are you in and do you feel like you’re struggling? Today we’re talking about getting to that level of leadership success where you’re attracting team members who genuinely want to thrive with you and will do so over and over again.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. The different phases of leadership.
  2. The first phase of leadership.
  3. The growth phase of leadership.
  4. The juice that drives the growth of your business.
  5. Why leadership is not narcissistic.
  6. The reward phase of leadership.
  7. What servant leadership is.
  8. What's given leadership such a bad rep.

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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Aug 2, 2021

Behavior is born out of emotions. So, whatever you feel drives your behavior - your actions in the world. And the only thing that we all can assess about one another is our actions. When a leader is cruel or mean, that’s someone who doesn't know how to manage an ego, who doesn't have self-awareness.

One of the cornerstones of effective leadership is self-awareness. So today we’re talking about leaders taking responsibility for their space and not holding other people accountable for their emotional health.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. All I experience from you are the words that come out of your mouth, the tone that's in your voice, the things you do with your body.
  2. Why, if you're in a position of authority, there’s no reason for you to use the negative emotion that translates into unmanaged behavior.
  3. How the thought model comes into play regarding self-awareness.
  4. Downton Abbey and not being a tool.
  5. Why leadership is harder than being powerful.
  6. How to tell when someone doesn't have self-awareness on a regular basis.

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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Jul 26, 2021

I know that you were born perfectly perfect. Your life “kit” was equipped with everything you need to live the life you want to live and to harness whatever you need to make things happen. But your kit didn’t come with instructions. So, this CEO tool allows you to use what you have without dictating to you who you're supposed to be. It leads to wisdom, and once you have wisdom, you can handle anything!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. We were all designed perfectly, as was the “kit” we were given.
  2. What’s missing from our kit – the “what’s included” sheet, directions for assembling and a picture of what an assembled kit is supposed to look like.
  3. Many people get hung up looking at what other people’s assembled kits look like, and they think theirs should look the same – but we don’t all have the same kit.
  4. Mimicking, copying, or duplicating other people doesn't help you develop what's in your kit.
  5. The Remarkable allows me to use what I have, and then it follows me instead of it dictating to me who I'm supposed to be. It's a reflection of me. I don't have to fit into it.
  6. In How to CEO, we give you all of the tools and the perspective and the support. Then you have knowledge. We then coach you so that you apply that knowledge to who you are and who you're designed to be. Then you have wisdom. And once you have wisdom, when it comes to leadership and management and the team part of your company, you can handle anything.

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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Jul 19, 2021

It’s normal for human beings to desire comfort and to avoid change, but working for an entrepreneur can be “disruptive.” We need our employees to come along with us. So, what do you do when you have employees who settle and become complacent? It’s not really their fault. The first person you have to look at -- is you.

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. How comfort and safety can become so much a part of what employees think and feel that they don't really take their job seriously anymore.
  2. Complacency is a natural part of most relationships.
  3. The importance of doing regular coaching sessions, one-on-one feedback sessions and some sort of performance agreement/review process.
  4. If you’re feeling like you're not getting what you want from people on the team, like they don't share your level of enthusiasm - the first person to look at is you.
  5. How having clear expectations and clear goals can help.
  6. If they've been in the job for a while, shake it up. Challenge them a bit!

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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

Jul 12, 2021

For women who run their own companies, taking a vacation can be a challenge. And FYI - going somewhere just so you're not in your house, but still working, is not vacation. That’s just going on a trip. That's virtual work. I’m talking about a real getaway from work!

What you'll learn from this episode:

  1. The elements that go into being able to take a vacation.
  2. The dream is the team. Do you have a team that supports you?
  3. Why a clear business model and clear business processes are crucial.
  4. Why we need job descriptions, clear goals and knowing what results we're trying to achieve.
  5. The importance of developing your employees.
  6. The reason you must let go of “perfection.”

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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.

© 2021 Kris Plachy

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