Should you pay a year end bonus and give your employees extra? We expect certain results from the
people we hire, and we pay them a salary for those results. Not for their time. Not for their experience.
We can give them a bonus for just the simple joy of giving a gift or we can give them a bonus based on
their individual results/ extra work. Making payment commitments to employees is a serious decision to
make and should be greatly considered. A gift can turn into an expectation for your employees and a
headache for you. No matter how you decide to pay your people it is an important thing to consider.
What You'll Find in This Episode:
1. Having a consistent payment philosophy is key.
2. Bonuses are extra pay for extra results (or they’re gifts).
3. Paying a bonus out over a year is a good way to ensure that the bonus won’t be wasted.
You, as an entrepreneur, have to be an optimist, right? You take risks and believe that something will work out and you cultivate that vision to get your team through the frustration and on to the next thing. Being a leader (as you are), you set the tone for your team. So, why not set an optimistic one?
What you’ll find in this Episode:
Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s possible for ourselves, right? I think having visual representations of
things that evoke emotions in us can make our brains believe something exists in the world before it
actually does exist. That’s why having a vision board is so important. Not just for your business, but also
for you! Find some pictures in a magazine and rip ‘em out and place them where you can see them
every day! Act as if that’s what’s gonna be in your life one day and just dream, dream, dream! And one
day that dreaming will evoke reality!
What You’ll Find in this Episode:
1. You can evoke things in your life by visualizing them.
2. Being older doesn’t mean you can’t dream.
Part of our experience as a human is to feel discomfort. We struggle and often ask ourselves, “Why me? Why is this happening? What am I doing?” But none of these unexpected moments are stop signs. They are opportunities to make empowering choices and find what’s next for you.
What you’ll find in this episode: