
Leadership is Feminine

For most women, when we are invited to study leadership the teachers, scholars, authorities and models are primarily… men. We are indoctrinated from the time we are born that men are the leaders and that natural male characteristics are the strengths you must also possess to be a good leader. Powerful. Strong. Authoritative. Direct. Assertive. Decisive. These and so many more are attributes that are typically associated with the male model of a leader. And so, for the better part of the last one hundred years as women have made their way into the fold, in a variety of leadership roles, we have learned and studied to walk the way of a men to achieve success. Women dismiss their own knowing because we’ve been so indoctrinated in male leadership models. We dismiss what we know for what others tell us to be and how to be seen. There is another way to lead. To be in alignment. To not feel like an imposter. It’s time for the reimagining of leadership. That’s not to disparage any of the progress that has come before us. Progress is progress. For those of us who stand in the footsteps of the women who came before us we are here because of their courage, bravery and resilience. I wonder instead if women equally looked to the characteristics they learned from their mothers for leadership. I wonder if we were taught to lean on different qualities to drive success. I wonder what might happen then? The traditional qualities of mothering are communication, nurturing, listening, strength, support, grace, and yes… love. What if to be the best leader you can be as a woman, you integrated the best of both? This is how women will stand with integrity in their role as leaders. As women, we can be assertive, direct, powerful, and authoritative but we need not only rely on those attributes for success. After 25 years of watching and studying leaders, I can tell you that for sure many traditional male attributes are effective in the short run, but they typically only serve a few. Whereas, when leadership is feminine. When the leader possesses the strengths of femininity and grace the results are for all. This podcast is my like my gentle request and invitation to my fellow female leaders that we reclaim the world leadership as one that is a feminine definition. That we continue to work with all of our allies to build organizations and systems that include more support, collaboration, grace and communication. And that we do so not because we are uncomfortable with the more traditional male-dominating models, but because we truly do know that leadership is a feminine strength and attribute. And the world needs more of us leading. Now more than ever.
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Leadership is Feminine







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Dec 26, 2022

I do not believe that the strongest, loudest or most commanding are necessarily leaders. While there are some with great ideas or charisma, those qualities don’t automatically equate with leadership. And in many cases, there are people who are influential, even powerful, but their motivations for leading aren’t pure. What, then, is a true leader?

First and foremost, I believe women are born leaders. The idea that only men are true leaders is false. Secondly, and just as importantly, I believe it all boils down to leadership mindset. We must be willing to work hardest on ourselves. Dig deep into our own minds and deal with what we find there. Let’s talk about it, love.

“The leader has to understand the wake she leaves behind.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • When you raise your hand
  • Power to disrupt and build up
  • Mindset, not position
  • Time for new
  • Discomfort is not a stop sign
  • You must understand yourself
  • Tend the asset

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

My How to CEO program begins February 16, 2023 – The updated version of How to CEO includes the opportunity for management training for anyone on your team, while you go through the program.

The CEO Boutique: Digital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more! 

Connect with Kris Plachy

Dec 19, 2022

This week I’m featuring my friend Tanya Dalton on the Leadership is Feminine Podcast and I’m so excited!

You see, Tanya is the yin to my yang.

She helps my crazy visionary brain settle down and find the simplicity of what I want to create.

She’s able to do this so well, because she totally gets it. She is, after all, a very successful CEO of several companies she created and then sold!

So when Tanya decided to conduct a four week strategic planning circle this past November, I immediately registered. And of course it was brilliant, because she is brilliant! I was able to sort through my ideas and come up with some amazing plans for 2023. But not only did I come up with the plans, but I also put them on the calendar and really thought through all of the needs I have when it comes to achieving these big goals.

Well, Tanya and I just discussed that she’s going to do it again and she’s going to host the Strategic Planning Circle in January. I decided that I wanted to be able to provide access to this course to all of my clients.

So, she has agreed to provide all of my current clients a $500 discount, taking what is normally $2500 to $2000. The amount of value that she provides in these four weeks for $2000 is amazing. Tonya is such an accomplished wizard when it comes to productivity and efficiency, I feel like she’s practically giving this away for free.

So, if you’re a current client, we will be sending you a private link to use to register for Tanya’s course. (Please watch your email for that link.) If you are not a current client, and you become a current client before December 23, 2022, we will also send you the link to register for her amazing event. 

In the meantime, you can learn everything you want to learn about this awesome experience by going to On that page Tanya will explain to you what’s included in this program and all of the deliverables you can expect. 

I also invite you to tune in to the podcast this week to learn even more and to experience what Tonya’s philosophy is and what it would be like to work with her. I know you won’t be disappointed! 

“By not planning, you are giving away your power.” – Tanya Dalton

What You’ll Learn

  • Who’s driving the bus?
  • Creativity through planning
  • Giving away your power
  • The Decision Making Machine
  • Flexibility through vision
  • Up and out
  • Business around life
  • Kris’s gift

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Tanya Dalton

Tanya Dalton is a best-selling author, speaker, and nationally recognized expert on purposeful productivity. She helps women step into intentional leadership in their professional and personal lives. 

In addition to having her first book, The Joy of Missing Out, being named one of the Top 10 Business Books of the year by Fortune Magazine, Tanya’s podcast, The Intentional Advantage has received millions of downloads from listeners around the world. She is also a featured expert on several networks including NBC and Fox and is a VIP contributor for 

Tanya has been featured in some of the world’s leading publications including Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, and Real Simple. She has been awarded the elite Enterprising Women Award and has been named the Female Entrepreneur to Watch for the state of North Carolina.

Tanya is also the founder of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., a multi-million dollar company providing tools that work as a catalyst in helping women do less while achieving maximum success. 

Her highly anticipated second book, On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success, launched last fall through HarperCollins Publishing.

Kris’s Gift: If you're a current client of Kris’s, you'll be receiving a $500 discount via email from Kris for Tanya’s 2023 Strategic Planning Circle!

Connect with Kris Plachy

The CEO Boutique: Digital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more! 

My How to CEO program begins February 16, 2023 – but if you get on the REGISTERED NOW, you’ll get some amazing early registration offers. The updated version of How to CEO includes the opportunity for management training for anyone on your team, while you go through the program. PLUS early registration includes work you can do right now, even before the program begins, AND you’ll lock in the lower 2022 price for yourself! So don’t delay! Get registered by December 23, 2022.

Dec 12, 2022

Operations managers (or similar) often go into the work field and do great work for a CEO with training in things like operations, business management, and similar. And yet, they lack training in how to lead, how to manage people, and how to make decisions in challenging situations. As CEOs, it’s easy to overlook this integral component. What we think our management team ought to handle might be too narrowly focused or we might think they should intuitively know and effortlessly execute these parts of their job. But they don’t. 

That's why in this episode, I explore why CEOs should train up their management team. Bottom line, you can’t do it all. Nor should you. That makes it critical to the building of your business. Without a management team who can lead effectively, your business growth will eventually stall. The solution is to invest in quality leadership training for your top people. It’s an investment both in your business and in yourself.

“It doesn’t do any good for you to have all this great leadership management and insight and practices and tools if you then don’t have a right-hand who can do the same. Because the goal… is to get to the point where you’re really not necessary in the business.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • The ecosystem
  • Necessity of same training
  • How you’ll grow faster
  • What if they don’t stay?
  • How we help you know
  • Manager’s point of view

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

The CEO Boutique: Digital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more! 

My How to CEO program begins February 16, 2023 – but if you get on the WAITLIST NOW, you’ll get some amazing early registration offers. The updated version of How to CEO includes the opportunity for management training for anyone on your team, while you go through the program. PLUS early registration includes work you can do right now, even before the program begins, AND you’ll lock in the lower 2022 price for yourself! So don’t delay! Get registered before prices increase in January.

Connect with Kris Plachy

Dec 5, 2022

Straightforward advice on what to do to manage people is invaluable, especially since typical management discussions center around how hard it can be. But there actually are some ways to make managing people easier. The trick is to not over-complicate issues. And the trick to not over-complicating issues is to recognize the ways in which you might be doing just that.

In this episode, I share the four reasons managing people is actually easy and simple. I hope as you listen, you gain some practical insights and even learn a bit about yourself, including some thought patterns that aren’t helping. I hope this advice, added to a few intentional tweaks to your approach, will guide you into alleviating your management problems. Now let’s talk managing made simple. 

“You have all these truths that you believe about the world that you’ve never really checked. And those truths, while they feel so important to you, they’re not real... They’re your thoughts. They’re not the truth.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Why we avoid hard things
  • Management as math
  • #1: Control isn’t your job
  • #2: Your emotional agency
  • #3: It’s an invitation
  • #4: Invitation progress follow up

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

My How to CEO program begins in February – but if you get on the WAITLIST NOW, you’ll get some amazing early registration offers. The updated version of How to CEO includes the opportunity for management training for anyone on your team, while you go through the program. PLUS early registration includes work you can do right now, even before the program begins, AND you’ll lock in the lower 2022 price for yourself! So don’t delay! Get registered before prices increase in January.

Interested in Sage CEO? Schedule an exploratory call with Kris at

Connect with Kris Plachy

Website: How to CEO


Work with Kris: How to CEO

How to CEO DIGITAL: Available for entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.

Get on the email list for valuable content:, drop your name in the signup box!


Nov 28, 2022

From time to time, we need a reset. We may even need to burn it all down, let it all go and see what remains. But because many of us are healers and providers in one way or another, this can be difficult. As leaders, we consider how things will affect others. We find ourselves continuing things because we don’t want to cause potential harm to others. But this can be an anchor to ourselves.

That's why, in consideration of the new year, it may be time to make a new plan. One that might even involve letting some things go. By returning to the pursuit of the new, rather than feeling obligated to what we’ve already built, creativity can flourish again. Are you ready?

“The biggest anchor to a creator is the belief that we have to sustain something for others so they stay happy, safe, comfortable, whatever.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Biggest anchor to creators
  • Pruning the correct stems
  • Just too many things
  • My expectations of myself
  • Loving our roles as leaders
  • Being willing to invest

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Book: Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud

Book and Skin Care Line: Radical Radiance and Savor Beauty by Angela Jia Kim 

Interested in Sage CEO? Schedule an exploratory call with Kris at

Connect with Kris Plachy

Nov 21, 2022

We all go through periods of uncertainty about the direction of our business, about decisions, even about ourselves. Second guessing yourself is part of business. It’s part of life. But to build a business that both supports the life you love and can run without you, you must find a way through those times of doubt. And in order to find your way through, you absolutely must invest in yourself. 

It is my earnest desire to challenge you into growth, into a new version of yourself and how you show up as a leader. What could be possible if you changed your mind? Questioned your beliefs about yourself and what you can accomplish? Didn’t simply accept that things are “just that way”? Let’s explore this together.

“And sometimes the bigger the decision, the stronger the blowback in our own mind… We are in habit to do that. And the only way to not have that be a habit is to keep doing it and choose another way.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Sources of second guessing
  • Observing yourself
  • Releasing your decision
  • What we need most

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Interested in Sage CEO? Schedule an exploratory call with Kris at

Connect with Kris Plachy

Nov 14, 2022

This question is so interesting to ponder. What do you do when all your dreams come true? And here's another to go with it: Have you had a dream come true but haven’t fully reveled in it? Because we should. It’s important to stop and savor the victories in our lives, to recognize all that went into making that dream a reality.

Along with that, it’s healthy to choose how we make our dreams come true. We had such a hustle culture in the past, then we were forced to slow down during the pandemic, and now we are in a place where we get to choose. We choose how we want to show up. We choose how we want to make the next dream come true. Let’s talk about accomplishing dreams and when it’s time for what’s next.

“You tell the story of a woman who is capable of making her dreams come true… And you also trust that there are… other playgrounds to find… And you allow yourself to be open to what comes with that.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Reveling in your dream come true
  • Balancing hustle and passion
  • Sharing the burden of choices
  • Telling your story
  • Opening yourself to your next

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Interested in Sage CEO? Schedule an exploratory call with Kris at

Connect with Kris Plachy

Nov 7, 2022

There is tremendous value in each woman but so many of us have felt unseen, suppressed and overlooked. In relation to this, recently the truth struck me that women are half the world but we birth the entire world. Take a moment to ponder that. It is inspiring. As women, we have such amazing worth and we are chosen to bring even more worth into the world.

On top of that, we have been kissed with businesses to spread even more good. But one of the biggest hurdles we face is coming into a place where we feel our true worth and operate in it. And from there, the next hurdle is focusing on anyone else who is top-most in our business. But without that focused recognition of value and empowerment, our impact will always remain diminished. And I say, No more! It is time you know and express your worth, Mama!

“If that's you… and you feel small and unseen and you feel like you’ve been disempowered… you do not have to feel that way. But you need support… The best gift you can give yourself, and your business, and the people who love you is your own self-growth… Your own self-understanding… Your own empowerment.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Your value
  • Focusing on yourself and your top-level person (or people)
  • Exposing the lies of diminished worth
  • Finding your people
  • Loving on yourself

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Oct 31, 2022

Guiding women and solving issues is my passion. Tackling things that can appear to be unsolvable but really are not. Being real with thoughts and feelings and issues, and especially as entrepreneurial women in leadership. In this, I have found that I'm not alone. Many women crave true connection that speaks to deeper things in their lives and, particularly, in their businesses.

If you’re a leader, and all this resonates with you, you’re in the right place. I want to personally invite you to consider joining one or more of the opportunities I offer. I believe there is so much good for you to do and so much good for you to have, and I would be honored to help you bring those things to life. To help and encourage you to invest in yourself, to step into your power, to embrace the truth that YOU are the asset!

“You have days where you really are stepping into your power and your voice. And you feel really good about it. And you have to look at, ‘Okay, what happened on that day?’  And then there are days where you really question what you’re doing and you don’t know. And you have to look at what’s going on on that day.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • True connection
  • Restorative opportunities
  • Step into your power
  • Come to transformative work
  • Reject voices that pull you down
  • Invest in yourself

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Oct 24, 2022

As women, we like to collaborate. It’s part of our makeup. However, it’s essential to know how to collaborate as an entrepreneurial leader because not all collaboration is beneficial. So in this next installment of the Leadership is Feminine Formula, we’re talking about the pluses and minuses of collaboration.

When we first start a business, most of us start out as solopreneurs. It isn’t until later that we add a team and add elements of collaboration. And as we work through this new jungle of business growth, it can be way too easy to tumble into the pitfalls. One pitfall is believing that you need others to direct your business. Another is avoiding discomfort. Another is developing an environment where everything has to pass through your hands or approval first. All of these can hinder the growth you desire and deserve. But positive, beneficial collaboration is achievable. Let’s talk about it.

“We collaborate out of scarcity. We collaborate out of believing our ideas aren’t good enough… No. It’s still yours. You always drive the result… and you are totally competent.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Journey into collaboration
  • Staying strategic
  • Embracing discomfort
  • Retaining and teaching ownership
  • Banishing Problem-Solver-in-Chief status

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Podcast episodes that pair well with this one:

Connect with Kris Plachy

Oct 17, 2022

As women, we have enormous potential to lead. It’s inherent in who we are. But we tend to dismiss a lot of our feminine attributes as not being effective enough or strong enough. And this simply is not true.

That's why, for this podcast episode, my team and I want to share with you the recording from the first day of our live, free Leadership is Feminine Formula week. It was so powerful and we hope it emboldens you to no longer lead with just your masculine traits. Our desire for you is to compel you to be who you want to be – who you are designed to be – by putting to use all of your wonderful, valuable and dynamic feminine assets to lead and to lead well.

“When you think about yourself as a leader, how do you compare to what you believe leadership looks like? .... Do you align? And if not, where’s the gap?” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Learned leadership
  • Feminine assets
  • How you think about yourself
  • The superpower of feeling things
  • Holding boundaries
  • The tendency to use masculine energy

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

LAST CHANCE TODAY – Sign up before this session registration closes: How to CEO

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)

Website: How to CEO







Oct 10, 2022

How does your self-worth relate to accountability? As women, we often relate our responsibility in needing to hold people accountable to how we view ourselves. The negative associations of accountability have grown to the point where setting boundaries seems nearly impossible. It’s gotten so bad that some female business owners have considered just ending their businesses altogether. They’re struggling with a nearly overwhelming number of issues: people not following through, not showing up, not keeping their commitments.

But is the issue of accountability really a direct reflection of us as female entrepreneurs? No, it isn’t. The core actually comes down to how we view our own worthiness. And there are people that want to work, want to do a good job, want to be part of something amazing. They exist. You just need to find them. And you need to reframe your beliefs to embrace that you – and your business – are both worthy and worth it.

“The reason that we allow people to not fully meet the expectations that we have of them in our business is because we don’t believe we are worthy of it.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Negative associations with accountability
  • Questioning your worthiness
  • True accountability
  • Your real responsibility
  • Good people out there
  • Why you created your business
  • Stuck in the cycle of compromise

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

FREE PASS WEEK! Join me every morning at 8:00 a.m. the week of October 10. We’ll be meeting for 5 days and having a series of business-building calls. It's your FREE opportunity to work on real issues you’re facing as a female business owner! Register today at Did I mention it’s FREE???

Leadership Is Feminine podcast episode recommendation: How to Hold People Accountable

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)
  • Website: How to CEO
  • Email:
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Medium
Oct 3, 2022

Why is holding people accountable so difficult as a female business owner? How did simply holding people accountable become associated with being bitchy? Why do not only others tend to think that but we, as women, can even think that about ourselves? It’s not right!

In this episode, I tackle the problem of holding people accountable. It seems that in today’s age, this can be harder than ever before. But it shouldn’t be. All you’re actually doing is expecting people to do what they agreed to do. It’s not unreasonable. I’ve found that the most important and impactful form of accountability is holding ourselves accountable. What do I mean by that? Let’s talk about how to hold people accountable, without anger and while showing one of the highest forms of love.

“Women, over time, learn to not hold themselves to account when other people disregard, disrespect, do not follow through on – or just ignore – a grievance.  Because they don’t want to be thought of as aggressive or bitchy… They get left out of the tribe. So what I want you to know is: You’re very welcome in my tribe.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Holding yourself accountable
  • You’re very welcome in my tribe
  • You don’t have to be mad
  • What you’re really saying when you don’t address it
  • One of the highest forms of love

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

FREE PASS WEEK! Join me every morning at 8:00 a.m. the week of October 10. We’ll be meeting for 5 days and having a series of business-building calls. It's your FREE opportunity to work on real issues you’re facing as a female business owner! Register today at Did I mention it’s FREE???

Book Recommendation: The Gifts of Imperfection  by Brené Brown

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)
  • Website: How to CEO
  • Email:
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Medium
Sep 26, 2022

Finding the right people to work, especially in the last couple of years, has become very tangled. People have started new businesses, closed businesses, changed jobs, juggled an ever-changing job landscape… and so on. While experts in fields have become more scarce, many entrepreneurs have had businesses explode before they are even ready. And thus, they need help but it has been rather chaotic.

The frustration of finding enough good people has become very real. Business owners are finding what they’re seeking for their business is no longer matching what those who are skilled want. So does that mean it’s not going to work? Is it time to hang it up? Or is it time to approach and frame things differently?

“First of all, our clarity in how we design roles is critical… I need people who can think about what to do and they can actually do it... I have to hire strategists that also produce.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Where have all the experts gone?
  • Segmented help
  • People who actually know how to execute
  • The need to develop expertise
  • Identify potential

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

FREE PASS WEEK! Join me for 5 days, the week of October 10, for a series of business-building calls. It's your FREE opportunity to work on real issues you’re facing as a female business owner! Register today at

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)
Sep 19, 2022

Is CEO a noun or a verb? You may have never contemplated that question but the differences it implies are significant. What do you think of, what comes up for you internally, when you hear the word CEO? Do you have a visual in your mind of a particular person? A functional role? A personae? A specific vibe?

As we continue on our path of new and of change this season, I want to challenge your brain and your default thinking. CEO is an acronym that has, for decades, been a very masculine term and title. And, as such, has been difficult for some women to embrace. But what if we viewed “CEO” not as a noun, but rather a verb? What if it is about actions you’re taking to put your magic out into the world, to allow that magic of a business you’ve been kissed with to grow and expand? 

“Whatever you choose to call yourself, my goal is always that it instills a little discomfort. And it invites you to a new level of gravitas, a new level of presence, and a bigger, bolder – but also authentic – voice in leadership.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Changing your voice and presence
  • Implications of the term CEO
  • Gravitas and out of the weeds
  • Impairing growth in the moment
  • Power and presence of CEOing

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous. 


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)

Website: How to CEO







Sep 12, 2022

Can you be a successful entrepreneur but not a visionary? And vice versa, can you be a successful visionary but not really an entrepreneur? Perhaps before you can answer those questions, you must first decide: Are you an entrepreneur, a visionary, or both? And, most importantly, how does leadership fit into it all?

As we continue this brand new season (Season 5) of Leadership Is Feminine, I invite you to ponder these questions with me. Often, as business owners, there are questions we don’t think to ask ourselves but find if we did, we’d learn so much and find immense magic in the answers. To that end, I want to explore the difference between a visionary leader and an operational entrepreneur. Is being an entrepreneur simply the operational expression of the visionary? What is the value of being a visionary? Let’s dive in.

“When you’re a real visionary, when you really, really do see things other people don’t see, and you believe in the possibility of what you see that doesn’t exist yet, you have the potential to change the world with your vision.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Earmarks of a visionary vs an operational entrepreneur
  • Shift in perspective
  • Your ideas are the asset
  • Leave survival thinking in the past
  • Investment in yourself is never a waste

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous. 


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion: Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately. (The week will be scheduled in October 2022 and take place in Sacramento, CA. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.)


Sep 5, 2022

Why do I say yes when I really want to say no? Why do women, more often than men, gravitate toward people pleasing? I found myself asking these questions and thus pondering: What do I think I’m accomplishing when I’m so agreeable? What am I actually accomplishing? To take it a step further, I pondered the reverse: What am I actually accomplishing when I’m being more controlling?

As we start Season 5 of Leadership Is Feminine, I want to focus on a time of change and some decompression from the pressures we’ve all been under. One definite source of pressure as leaders is people pleasing, as is the opposite, which I term people depleting. This is when people are demanding and controlling, so they themselves can be the one pleased. An interesting fact is that we can find ourselves on either side, depending on the issue and circumstances. But no matter what side we’re on, we can help mitigate the resulting pressure when we better understand people pleasing and controlling as leaders.

“You’re saying yes… not to please the other person. You’re saying yes… because you don’t want to experience your own discomfort of saying no… So who are we really pleasing in the moment? And are we really pleasing anybody?” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • People pleasing and people depleting
  • Who we’re really pleasing
  • Delighting people instead
  • Pleasing ourselves through control
  • How either approach affects our business
  • Taking personal responsibility
  • Handling our own discomfort

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous.


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
Aug 29, 2022

There’s a current phenomenon called “quiet quitting”. As business owners, we need to be aware of trends like this because they can potentially affect us. In particular, this approach to life is being promoted by Gen Zs but anyone could jump onboard with it. 

So what exactly is “quiet quitting” and how can small businesses prepare for its possible impact? In this episode, I explore generational differences, the quiet quitting movement, post-pandemic mental health, clear expectations, having regard for others, and more. How does this all tie together and what might it mean for you and your growing business, lovely CEO? Let’s talk about it.

“We do have the least prepared workforce… I do not say that to be disparaging. I say that because that is true... There is more responsibility now than ever on employers to help people learn what it means to work. And also to work with balance.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Generational differences
  • The quiet quitting movement
  • Post-pandemic mental health
  • Honesty, clear expectations, and quality communication
  • Find balance and lead well because we need each other

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous. 


  • Work with Kris! How to CEO
  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help

Website: How to CEO







Aug 22, 2022

If you’re juggling the questions of “When should I hire?” or “Who should I hire?” – let me help guide you. The answers to those questions are completely tied to the answer to a question that should come first. That is, “What phase of growth is your business in?”   

This episode idea sprouted from help I’ve been giving to many regarding hiring and two recent Live Coaching with Kris episodes. As we navigate what I call the “Messy Middle” in building an entrepreneurial business, we need help but getting the right kind of help, at the right time, is absolutely crucial. If you hire the incorrect people during the a phase, you can actually lose touch and control of your own business. Please don’t let that happen. Let’s talk about who to hire in the messy middle of your entrepreneur journey.

“Learn how to manage. Anybody could work for you then. It’s fine. If you learn how to manage. But otherwise, you set yourself up where you don’t have control of so much of your business.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Phases and stages of business
  • Correct help in the Messy Middle
  • Correct help in the Established Phase
  • The quagmire of improper outsourcing
  • Hiring right at the right phase

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Recommended previous episodes regarding hiring:

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous. 


  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.

CEO Immersion (aka  How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Get in on the CEO LIVE Immersion:

Aug 15, 2022

As your business grows, you’re going to need help. You can’t build your queendom all alone. But what position should you hire first for your growing business? Should you hire someone to match your work and share the load? Should you hire an assistant to perform numerous tasks? Should you hire someone to complete just specific projects? Is there a way to know what the best choice is?

For this episode of Live Coaching with Kris, I tackle this inevitable growth question. My guest listener has grown her business to the point where she needs help but isn’t sure which position to fill first. She feels she doesn’t have enough revenue to hire more than one person but desperately needs help in more than one area. Together, we discuss the pros and cons of each type of hire, discuss the process of narrowing down hiring options, and ultimately, look at potential solutions in a whole different light.   

“It does pay off… You’ve got to think about this as an investment… And you might have to kiss a few frogs. That’s part of the deal too. Just keep going.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Drafting detailed descriptions
  • Calculating the cost of not hiring
  • Pinpointing what you could give up
  • Making offers
  • Leveraging hires
  • Kissing a few frogs
  • Moving from solopreneur to CEO
  • Avoiding certain options

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Get FREE help for managing stress:

Connect with Kris Plachy

Want to be coached live by Kris for an upcoming episode? Send an email to and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out.  Chosen listeners get a free coaching session with Kris and are kept anonymous. 


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
CEO Immersion (aka  How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Get in on the CEO LIVE Immersion:

Aug 8, 2022

“You should do this.” “You should do that!” “Hey, have you considered…” When you’re building a business, so many voices and ideas constantly come at you. You can become lost in all the possibilities and your business becomes your life. Maybe it’s time to build your businesses a little differently… Especially if you realize you’ve built your life around your business, rather than your business around your life. 

But what if you intentionally built your business to nurture the life you want? How would you go about it? To begin, you need to quiet the noise all around you, to anchor to internal wisdom, and then act from there. Let’s talk about what it might look like to build a business that supports your life. 

“We get so immersed in the business that we end up building a life around the business. We’ve accommodated the business by compromising our lives.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Noise of life
  • Internal anchors
  • Growth from the reaction phase
  • Choose the life you want
  • Ask the questions, make the changes

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Get FREE help for managing stress:

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.

CEO Immersion (aka  How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Aug 1, 2022

The cost of doing business seems to be rising by the day. Inflation is hitting small businesses pretty hard. The current economy and labor market are so different than even just a couple years ago. And when you’ve got a team, wages, in particular, are a big consideration in your budget.

Because of these unique changes, I hope to help you have a bit of a brain shift in this episode. As leaders, we have Two Buckets to recognize: Beliefs and thoughts (including the opinions of others) versus Facts. The impact of all the information constantly coming at us can make opinions appear as facts. This can dramatically affect how we look at, and what we feel about, everything going on in our businesses. It can especially affect our opinion about hiring and paying wages. So let me give you a bit of tough love and let’s talk about all this.

“Or you just decide, ‘You know what? I signed up to be a business owner. The economy’s a little wackadoodle right now. I’m gonna figure out my plan. And I’m gonna execute the hell out of it’.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • The Two Buckets: Facts versus Thoughts

  • Perpetuating facts

  • Practical decisions without drama

  • Wages and your philosophy

  • Helpful adjustments

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Get FREE help for managing stress:

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!

  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.

CEO Immersion (aka How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Jul 25, 2022

Countless methods and resources are available to help you grow your business. Courses, programs, systems, outside help, advisors, even business coaches. But should you hire a business coach? What do they do or not do? For that matter, is everyone with the title “business coach” actually a business coach?

In this episode, I share many thoughts and insights into what a true business coach does. From my own experience, I can confirm that a really great coach can bring huge value both professionally and personally. However, it is also my opinion that not every person who calls themselves a business coach really is one. That’s not to say they aren’t great at what they do, but rather to delineate between an actual business coach and someone who is more properly defined as an expert in specific aspects of business. Let’s talk about it.

 “A coach says, ‘I know you know the right answer for you. And I’m going to help you discover that... But your wisdom is in there and I’m going to help you access it.’ That is coaching.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • What a business coach actually is
  • How teaching, mentoring and advising differ from coaching
  • Clarify what you’re actually needing
  • Keep your coach as only yours
  • How to know it’s time for a business coach
  • Place boundaries around your coach search

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.
  • CEO Immersion (aka How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Get on the CEO LIVE Immersion waitlist:

Jul 18, 2022

Do your meetings with your team end up off track? Do you avoid scheduling meetings because they’re really not productive? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In this second installment of “Live Coaching with Kris”, I tackle this prevalent problem.

As I coach a listener about how to run a productive 1:1 meeting, clarity in business rises to the surface. When you’re running a business, clarity is necessary in every area. Clarity in job descriptions, roles and responsibilities, clarity in expectations and outcomes, and clarity in the direction each team member is headed. With these in place, meetings naturally become more focused. Couple that focus with praise and positive feedback, and you’ll soon be looking forward to meetings, rather than dreading them.

Speaking of clarity, if you missed the first installment of “Live Coaching with Kris”, I encourage you to go back and listen to it. In that episode, I advise around the common question: Should I Hire a Friend? Clarity is needed in that situation as well and I hope my coaching brings you an abundance of it.

“In my life, we’ve always talked about giving positive feedback as cookies, not crumbs… when you add detail, it really shows that you paid attention.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn 

  • Take the vital signs of your business
  • Clarity and purpose
  • The Employee Continuum
    • Coach for growth
    • Coach for engagement and retention
    • Not coaching, employing management
  • Give cookies, not crumbs
  • 4 Guiding Steps:
    • Ask for input
    • Choose measures
    • Decide frequency
    • Determine direction

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help

CEO Immersion (aka How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

Get on the CEO LIVE Immersion waitlist:

Jul 11, 2022

All business owners face this dilemma: Should I hire a friend? Of course, there is an added emotional dynamic when employing someone close to you. Those ties do require consideration. However, regardless of who you hire, consistent frameworks need to be in place. Without them, decisions and potential outcomes can become very messy.

In this first installment of “Live Coaching with Kris” on my Leadership is Feminine podcast, I address the common question of employing people you know. As I coach a very successful business woman regarding this, we cover guidelines in employing people, clarifying expectations and defining roles, delegating not abdicating, and much more. 

By the way, I’m very excited to add these episodes. I’m loving doing these live, anonymous coaching sessions with one of you, my listeners, recording it, and then sharing it so we can all benefit. It’s a blast! I can’t wait to share more of them with you all.

 “I think I need to hire someone to support me. Not someone I’m going to support. And that was incredibly delineating for me.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Impart your vision clearly
  • Don’t build for a specific person in mind
  • Clarify what you need and outline the scope
  • Define your values
  • Delegate not abdicate
  • Measurables
  • Follow-through plan
  • Timeline

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

Connect with Kris Plachy


  • Join Kris’ email list for valuable content by heading over to and dropping your name in the signup box!
  • Get FREE help for managing stress:
  • Get How to CEO DIGITAL! This course is available for all entrepreneurs looking to increase their business mastery. Access includes weekly Q&A calls for additional help.

CEO Immersion (aka How to CEO LIVE!)

Five full days of complete immersion during which you’ll be coached and advised, and you’ll develop every team system you need to have in place to build an amazing team. You, and your person that helps you with all this (your Ops person), will leave with everything in hand, built, documented, ALL ready to implement. It will be a week of not just learning about how to do things but having everything developed so you can implement immediately.

The week is scheduled for late August, in Scottsdale, AZ. You must be at 7 figures to join because the complexity of your team is important for this exercise.

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