What about rest? True rest? What would that look like? Most of us are not very good at facilitating and executing true rest. We are, on the other hand, very good at having so much to do that we block our ability to rest. You know what I mean… having too many of those things that suck our time and leave us exhausted and overwhelmed.
So I’m calling this a summer of rest. The summer we detoxed from saying yes and said no more. I invite you to implement your own Visionary Summer Detox along with me. In this episode, I share my thoughts and ideas that I hope provide you with inspiration and some direction. Let’s get to resting.
“Let that toxicity of the unsaid words leave your body. It’s time. It’s exhausting to carry around unspoken conversations.” – Kris Plachy
We may not–yet–be able to address all the reasons there are not more women at the top of organizations, but we can address areas in which we have more control. We do have authority and agency over certain aspects of this current reality. So while we work toward systemic change, let’s also work on the daily decisions we make and with whom we choose to surround ourselves.
As we examine this together, I want to encourage us all to be bold in exploring our own beliefs about ourselves. Where might we be unknowingly limiting ourselves? How might we be unintentionally not advancing our leadership skills? How might we be unwittingly diminishing our presence, even within our own companies? There is a lot to consider, so let’s dive deeply into it.
“You don’t owe anybody any version of yourself other than the one that’s real. And we change. All of us change.” – Kris Plachy
You need a crew, strong woman, a team. As women, we are conditioned to be the caregivers, the ones helping everyone else. Unfortunately, this can lead to extremes, such as being unable to allow ourselves to get connected to a team and becoming demanding or having a team but struggling to really allow them to help us and unintentionally compromising.
Regardless of where you are on this spectrum, it's time to take to heart the truth that you need some help. You need people to come alongside you to do the things that they can do, to free you to do what only you can do. Let’s talk about it.
“A strong woman recognizes that weakness does not exist in asking for help. Weakness only exists in suffering without help.” – Kris Plachy
YOU are the prize and you do not chase. But, if this is true–and it is–why do we not live in this reality? Why do we find ourselves chasing, rather than living as the prize?
As a woman who believes deeply in the value of women (not to say I don’t value men), I desire for you to see yourself as you truly are. Someone of worth. Someone with a beautiful gift to give. Someone worth being supported, listened to, respected... and living the truth that the prize does not chase–regardless of what we’ve been taught over our lifetimes.
“Why is it that not everybody lives by that? Because you don’t believe you’re a prize… You don’t believe you are worthy of not chasing.” – Kris Plachy
There is a decision that has the power to separate you from where you are to where you want to be. But if you don’t even know what it is, if you’re stuck in the spin of crisis, how can you make that decision?
As I’ve worked with my clients, I’ve found that in dealing with a crisis, there is typically just one decision that is preventing all other decisions from happening. Literally it is one decision standing in your way, causing everything else to stall and stagnate. But when you can identify that decision within the swirl of all that is happening, and deal with it… all else begins to be resolved as well. Let’s talk about it.
“It was just one decision that would lead to one action. And then, that one action would allow for everything else to be resolved.” – Kris Plachy