
Leadership is Feminine

For most women, when we are invited to study leadership the teachers, scholars, authorities and models are primarily… men. We are indoctrinated from the time we are born that men are the leaders and that natural male characteristics are the strengths you must also possess to be a good leader. Powerful. Strong. Authoritative. Direct. Assertive. Decisive. These and so many more are attributes that are typically associated with the male model of a leader. And so, for the better part of the last one hundred years as women have made their way into the fold, in a variety of leadership roles, we have learned and studied to walk the way of a men to achieve success. Women dismiss their own knowing because we’ve been so indoctrinated in male leadership models. We dismiss what we know for what others tell us to be and how to be seen. There is another way to lead. To be in alignment. To not feel like an imposter. It’s time for the reimagining of leadership. That’s not to disparage any of the progress that has come before us. Progress is progress. For those of us who stand in the footsteps of the women who came before us we are here because of their courage, bravery and resilience. I wonder instead if women equally looked to the characteristics they learned from their mothers for leadership. I wonder if we were taught to lean on different qualities to drive success. I wonder what might happen then? The traditional qualities of mothering are communication, nurturing, listening, strength, support, grace, and yes… love. What if to be the best leader you can be as a woman, you integrated the best of both? This is how women will stand with integrity in their role as leaders. As women, we can be assertive, direct, powerful, and authoritative but we need not only rely on those attributes for success. After 25 years of watching and studying leaders, I can tell you that for sure many traditional male attributes are effective in the short run, but they typically only serve a few. Whereas, when leadership is feminine. When the leader possesses the strengths of femininity and grace the results are for all. This podcast is my like my gentle request and invitation to my fellow female leaders that we reclaim the world leadership as one that is a feminine definition. That we continue to work with all of our allies to build organizations and systems that include more support, collaboration, grace and communication. And that we do so not because we are uncomfortable with the more traditional male-dominating models, but because we truly do know that leadership is a feminine strength and attribute. And the world needs more of us leading. Now more than ever.
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Leadership is Feminine







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Now displaying: June, 2023
Jun 26, 2023

When it comes to releasing and detoxing, money can be a huge issue. Some people have a great relationship with their finances, others a horrible one, and I would say the majority of us fall somewhere in the middle. For myself, I discovered I had unknowingly harbored a lot of toxicity about finances. When I would think about my connotations regarding money, my thoughts and feelings appeared pretty on the surface… but they really weren’t.

In this episode, I open up about my own money detoxing. Through the process, I learned I was believing some things about myself and my finances that weren’t as freeing as I’d thought them to be. I hope by sharing my experience, I can help you recognize and release any of your own toxic thoughts and beliefs.

“We make money because we step into a different version of ourselves and that version attracts more abundance, more wealth… Transformation generates wealth.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Why I hated selling my abilities
  • Contribution versus credit
  • Ingrained scarcity
  • Valuing true wealth
  • Transformation generates wealth
  • Invest in your premiere asset

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

  • Hawaii Retreat with Kris: September 22-25, 2023. A few spots are still available. This retreat is open to all women. See all the details and register at
  • Get a FREE Month of Coaching on your Edit. Go to to access everything and learn more.
  • CEO BoutiqueDigital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead + the Advisory Hotline + Kickstart. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more!
  • Join Kris on her new playground: The Moxy SageThere she shares deeper content every week, has a private podcast and more. Sign up today.

Connect with Kris Plachy

Jun 19, 2023

Editing and evaluating your life is super powerful. It reinforces a firm foundation when you take time out to evaluate where you’ve been and then decide if that is where you truly want to be and the pursuit you wish to continue. After all, what good is it to continue to build on top of something that isn’t what you really want and/or isn’t serving you well?

To this end, years ago I began doing the visionary business & life edit for myself. It is an intense yet refreshing and invigorating deep dive into where I’ve been and where I’m going. As the edit unfolds, it probes into those things that are being avoided or not dealt with, and even into those things that aren’t being as savored and celebrated as they should. I invite you to join me both through this podcast and, potentially, in person for your business & life edit.

“The win is in the way… How I achieve what I want is actually the win. It’s not what I want, because that target moves.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Everything is a once Yes
  • Yes can become No
  • Removing depletion
  • The actual win
  • Asking the questions you’re avoiding
  • Fearless editing

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

  • Book: Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud
  • Hawaii Retreat with Kris: September 22-25, 2023. A few spots are still available. This retreat is open to all women. See all the details and register at
  • Get a FREE Month of Coaching on your Edit. Go to to access everything and learn more.
  • CEO BoutiqueDigital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead + the Advisory Hotline + Kickstart. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more!
  • Join Kris on her new playground: The Moxy SageThere she shares deeper content every week, has a private podcast and more. Sign up today.

Connect with Kris Plachy

Jun 12, 2023

Why do we feel shame and guilt when we succeed? Where does that come from and why does it hang on, despite the fact that women are punching through old norms?

First, it’s important to note that success is defined by a variety of factors. What one person views as success, another may view as not as important. It might be a particular amount in your bank account, the number of your clients, the size of your team, your notoriety, your following, the amount of personal freedom you enjoy… It’s not about what you consider success, it’s about how you feel about that success. And I believe that, especially as women, we all struggle with this on some level.

“We make the correlation that our joy means we deserve our pain… [And] it takes away our ability in the moment to relish and savor the joy… [Because] we believe there is a boomerang… we dull the joy to protect ourselves from imminent bad.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Correlations we believe
  • Belief boomerang
  • Let yourself feel
  • Fearing success
  • Potential of huge wins
  • Savor the joys
  • It’s just life
  • Let’er go

Contact Info and Recommended Resources


  • CEO Boutique: Digital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead + the Advisory Hotline + Kickstart. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more!
  • Join Kris on her new playground: The Moxy Sage. There she shares deeper content, has a private podcast and more. Sign up today.
  • The Leader In Crisis Training with Kris. Register at This course will last 2 hours and is for those who are interested in participating and getting some direct support from Kris to work through the crisis in their business.

Connect with Kris Plachy

Jun 5, 2023

We all have a subconscious or invisible internal compass. Like a physical compass, it naturally shows us where we currently are in space and time, and gives us clarity in the direction we should go next. But unlike a physical compass, it can be much more difficult to read.

Pondering this concept, I wanted to talk about how we all operate with our invisible compass but aren’t always aware of it. Knowing this, is there a way to change our focus so we can more readily both direct and follow our internal compass? I think so. Let’s talk about it.

“The answers that you provide to the questions that you ask yourself are your subconscious life and business plan. This is how you operate in the world… it is an ongoing, pulsing heartbeat of belief.” – Kris Plachy

What You’ll Learn

  • Not living on autopilot
  • Subconscious questions you ask and answer
  • What your brain believes
  • Liberation of core work
  • Choose the proper questions you want to ask yourself

Contact Info and Recommended Resources

  • CEO Boutique: Digital Clinics offered by Kris Plachy: Essential Practices for Women Who Lead + the Advisory Hotline + Kickstart. Shop what’s available, including Kickstart Team Ops, Team Audits, Dealing with Difficult People and much more!
  • Join Kris on her new playground: The Moxy Sage. There she shares deeper content, has a private podcast and more. Sign up today.
  • The Leader In Crisis Training with Kris. Register at This course will last 2 hours and is for those who are interested in participating and getting some direct support from Kris to work through the crisis in their business.

Connect with Kris Plachy