In this final installment of this Gen-X Women Founders mini series, host Kris Plachy dives into the emotional load and labor that comes with being a Gen-X woman leading her own business. She delves into the societal pressures and expectations placed on women, especially those who are ambitious and successful in their careers. From the guilt associated with balancing work and family to the challenges of self-advocacy and trusting one's own instincts, Kris explores the emotional burden carried by many Gen-X women.
Throughout the episode, Kris encourages listeners to shed the guilt and embrace their worth and success. She emphasizes the importance of trusting oneself, and feeling pride in one's accomplishments. The conversation also highlights the need for empowerment and support among Gen-X women, addressing the impact of generational roles on personal and professional life.
This episode discusses how Gen-X women also fully embrace their drive to continue to show up in the work place and lead. Kris also shares insights on the kind of support Gen-X women founders benefit from when they surround themselves with others like them. By being in a space with women like them, Gen-X founders are able to continue to thrive and grow in their businesses and in their lives.
"You belong here in a leadership role. And we're going to swing that pendulum. We're going to pull the pendulum out of that masculine side and get you some more of that feminine leadership guidance so that you can be you. Confident you. Capable you. Exuberant you. Thriving you. Because she's in there."
This episode delivers a powerful blend of validation, empowerment, and practical insights tailored for Gen-X women founders. By addressing the unique challenges they face, fostering a sense of community connection, and encouraging self-acceptance, the episode serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement, offering a shared experience that resonates with the entrepreneurial journey of Gen-X women.
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