In today’s interview, Kris talks with Dr. Shanita Williams, a TEDx Speaker, HR Leader and author of the newly released book, Feedback Mentality: The key to unlocking and unleashing your potential. Shanita specializes in helping people S.I.F.T. through the feedback that causes anxiety or stress and gives ideas for taking action in a healthy way.
TEDx Talk:
Feedback Mentality Book:
Instagram: Feedback_Mentality
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© 2021 Kris Plachy
You know that person. The one who is jealous and full of envy and has to go out of her way to minimize anyone she believes is better than her or has more than her. She’s usually insulting, rude, dismissive, and mocking. She wants you to tone down your leadership and your role. She wants you to play small and dim your light.
That is the very thing we're trying to get away from as women. We have to be willing to honor the light of every woman we meet. And we have to be willing to honor it in ourselves. Don’t back down. Don’t apologize. Don’t minimize yourself and slow down, get quiet, be soft, dim your light. Don’t!
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
So what is your “tax season”? Is it April 15th? Maybe it’s Christmas or Mother’s Day. But what about pre-season or post-season? The reason this is a problem, whatever your "season" is, is because you don't have the team to support you.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
I cannot believe how lucky I am to work with such amazing women leaders every. single. day. I had a Q & A call with a few of my current and former How to CEO clients and, I won't lie to you, it was FIRE. We discussed their motivations for joining the program, what it was like as they went through the course, and what they took away from it. I can't wait for you to listen!
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Has your shining team member turned into a shiny team member? The terms are pretty similar, but the motivation of each is quite different. The ugly truth is that they can’t be rehabilitated. So, let’s talk about what to do when those high-performing types become business-destroying, gobbling-up creatures.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy