Today we’re talking about “overwhelm” – probably in a way that you haven't thought or heard about it before – in hopes of providing you with some relief and the ability to move forward in a different way. Overwhelm is not an enemy - it's just an indicator light.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Entrepreneurs are usually full of hustle. They’re scrappy and all about winning. And that works for a while, but it often leads to burn out and overwhelm. Despite all the winning, they may find that they don’t even love what they do anymore. Truth-be-told, scrappy and hustle isn’t a long term business strategy. Today we’re talking about the importance of “the way” - not just “the win.” So what does the way look like for you?
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
If you’re having a hard time finding good talent, and nobody's coming to the interviews, or those who do come aren't the people you'd hire – listen in folks. Don’t come at this from a place of scarcity. Regroup and rethink the way you hire. This is about making your work environment the one that everybody wants to work for, and I can help you do that.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
So, you’re thinking about promoting someone in your business. How do you know if it’s really time – if they’re really ready? CEOs need some kind of litmus test to use when they're considering promoting someone. Here’s the test!
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
These are the key roles every woman who is leading a business and running a life must have filled. Every female CEO needs these people in order to be supported – not just in her business, but everywhere in her life.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
In today’s interview, Kris talks with Dr. Shanita Williams, a TEDx Speaker, HR Leader and author of the newly released book, Feedback Mentality: The key to unlocking and unleashing your potential. Shanita specializes in helping people S.I.F.T. through the feedback that causes anxiety or stress and gives ideas for taking action in a healthy way.
TEDx Talk:
Feedback Mentality Book:
Instagram: Feedback_Mentality
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
You know that person. The one who is jealous and full of envy and has to go out of her way to minimize anyone she believes is better than her or has more than her. She’s usually insulting, rude, dismissive, and mocking. She wants you to tone down your leadership and your role. She wants you to play small and dim your light.
That is the very thing we're trying to get away from as women. We have to be willing to honor the light of every woman we meet. And we have to be willing to honor it in ourselves. Don’t back down. Don’t apologize. Don’t minimize yourself and slow down, get quiet, be soft, dim your light. Don’t!
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
So what is your “tax season”? Is it April 15th? Maybe it’s Christmas or Mother’s Day. But what about pre-season or post-season? The reason this is a problem, whatever your "season" is, is because you don't have the team to support you.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
I cannot believe how lucky I am to work with such amazing women leaders every. single. day. I had a Q & A call with a few of my current and former How to CEO clients and, I won't lie to you, it was FIRE. We discussed their motivations for joining the program, what it was like as they went through the course, and what they took away from it. I can't wait for you to listen!
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Has your shining team member turned into a shiny team member? The terms are pretty similar, but the motivation of each is quite different. The ugly truth is that they can’t be rehabilitated. So, let’s talk about what to do when those high-performing types become business-destroying, gobbling-up creatures.
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Accountability - making a commitment and then following through on it. You wouldn’t think it’s that hard to do, right? Yet every day, we are surrounded by people who think they’re above accountability. And many leaders, in order to avoid difficult conversations, let it go. They don’t address it, and therein lies the quagmire. We leaders are negatively reinforcing the very behaviors we say we don't want. So here’s my suggestion…
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Find out more about the How to CEO Program here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Being firm and serious when you need to be is important, but if overused, it can lose its authority and make you unapproachable. Real laughter is a form of connection. I think that leaders who laugh and have fun create better cultures. They create a connection that's based on authenticity and truth - and that is one of the most potent forms of engagement.
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Advanced Leadership Coach Certification is currently open for registration. Get more details here.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
In today’s interview, Kris talks with Meha Agrawal, South Asian American CEO and founder of Silk + Sonder. Silk + Sonder is a community-driven program which is rooted in principles of positive psychology whose mission is to solve the emotional health epidemic for their customers. At its core, Silk + Sonder is a space for mindfulness, journaling, planning, tracking, and creative expression — all in one.
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If you are a female entrepreneur leading her own business, trying to figure out how to deal with all things "team," go to for more information.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Vulnerability is not just about making yourself susceptible to physical or emotional harm – it can also be a mechanism for growth and connection with others. Tune in to find out how being vulnerable can help make you, as a female entrepreneur, an exceptionally powerful leader.
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Today, Monday, April 5th, is the last day to register for How To CEO. We start this Thursday, April 8th, with a whole new group of amazing rock star women. If you are a female entrepreneur leading her own business, trying to figure out how to deal with all things "team," go to
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Today we’re talking about some warning signs to watch out for when you’re hiring a new employee. You’ve probably experienced some, or all, of these. And out of desperation, you may have found yourself making excuses for them or overlooking them. So I’m here to validate that these really are warning signs that an employee isn’t going to work out.
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Registration is open for, How To CEO. If you are a female entrepreneur leading her own business, trying to figure out how to deal with all things "team" - like hiring, firing, holding people accountable, having difficult conversations, getting work done through others, delegating, dealing with difficult employees, how to coach versus how to manage - go to
© 2021 Kris Plachy
I have noticed that many of my clients seem to fall into two polarizing positions. They either end up in a feeling of total helplessness or a place of arrogance. Ironically, the results are the same. Your confidence is priceless, but it’s not something you can just compensate for by hiding or abdicating. Here’s my suggestion …
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We’re opening up early registration for the How to CEO program starting on March 23, 2021. Go to and make sure you’re on the invitation list! There are some cool perks / extra bonuses if you register early – like the Managing Overwhelm digital course and a resource guide that will have all of the key worksheets that we provide to our clients.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
We all deal with the emotion of anger every now and then. There's nothing wrong with that. But we don't have to work out our anger with other people.
As leaders, sometimes we forget that we already command authority just because of our role - our title. We automatically carry the biggest stick, and arguing for us, is not a good look. It doesn't create a constructive culture, and I believe as leaders, there is no place for us to participate in that. Ever.
So, let’s talk about how not to indulge an arguer – and how not to be one ourselves.
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The next How to CEO program starts in April. People on the interest list find out about things sooner than people who aren't. Go to to get on that list!
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Today I’m sharing an important observation I’ve made from numerous clients over the years. It’s a phrase that we most likely all use. It’s insidious, and it’s ineffective. And the chances are extremely good that eliminating it from your vocabulary will have a positive impact on your team and your ability to get the results you want.
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The next How to CEO program starts in April. People on the interest list find out about things sooner than people who aren't. Go to to get on that list!
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Today we’re talking about how you can intentionally lean into the person you are and become even more, unabashedly, you. Then, by developing and possessing great leadership skills, you can go out into the world and attract the perfect person to work for you.
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We'll be launching our new How to CEO program near the end of April. Go to for more information.
© 2021 Kris Plachy
When women business owners don’t think of themselves as CEOs, but as healers, they are often blocking their own success. Today, we are going to talk about how you can be both a healer and a CEO by blending empathic skills with leadership skills.
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We're having a live virtual retreat for empathic CEOs over 3 days, February 23rd – 25th, for one hour each day. The event will be recorded, so if you’re unable to attend live, you can still get the content. You will also get a digital workbook. Sign up at
© 2021 Kris Plachy
When faced with a management challenge, those who don’t have a lot of development or support struggle with which way to go. Today, we are going to talk about how to develop a management map that includes the pathways that will lead you out of that challenge.
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We're having a live virtual retreat for empathic CEOs over 3 days, February 23rd – 25th, for one hour each day. The event will be recorded, so if you’re unable to attend live, you can still get the content. You will also get a digital workbook. Sign up at
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Core competencies are benchmark skills that are needed in particular leadership roles. They are the price of entry, and you can't function well without them. Today, we're going to talk about the three most important competencies you need to have as a leader.
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We're having a live virtual retreat for empathic CEOs over 3 days, February 23rd – 25th, for one hour each day. The event will be recorded, so if you’re unable to attend live, you can still get the content. You will also get a digital workbook. Sign up for interest/invites at
© 2021 Kris Plachy
When a team member makes a mistake or doesn’t perform well, it has a direct impact on you and others in your business. As an empath, you probably tend to focus on how the team member feels about making the mistake, and you may accommodate that failure. Today, let’s talk about how to acknowledge the mistake, hold the person accountable, and discuss what happened.
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We're having a 3-hour live virtual retreat for empathic CEOs on Saturday, February 27th. More information coming the first week of February. Sign up for interest/invites at
© 2021 Kris Plachy
There is magic in being an entrepreneur. Having an idea that you create and build is magical. As your business grows, don’t lose that magic just because it gets a little harder. You were touched to do this for a reason, so here are some suggestions for keeping that magic alive while doing what it is that you were called to do.
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We're having a virtual retreat for empathic CEOs on a Saturday at end of February. It will be a 3-hour live event. Sign up for interest/invites at
© 2021 Kris Plachy
Managing human emotions is often labelled as a “soft skill” for leaders, but in reality, it is anything but. Today we will talk about how feeling other people’s feelings can interfere with what you need to get done as a leader, and we’ll discuss some things you can do to develop those skills.
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The next How to CEO program starts January 20, 2021. Go to to register!
© 2021 Kris Plachy